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USS Valkyrie (VKR)
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Andreas BodensohnStar Trek fan fiction
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
All Rishana Hagen ever wanted was to be a pilot, but now she must deal with becoming far more - and with a challenge to her piloting skills. (Short story set right after "Transitions")
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
To Catch a Thief
The mission: Diplomacy and information gathering. The opposition: A few pirates and a small independent colony. The catch: A major trade agreement at stake and a planet deadlocked in centuries of rigid tradition.
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
When It Rains
A long-distance relationship is never easy, but when Tarin Veal and Ben Tucker both realize how much their relationship has changed when they started working on the Valkyrie both take the time to remember how it all came about - and what their love truly means to them.
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
Said the Spider.....
The Valkyrie responds to an emergency call from a Cardassian freighter crippled by the Maquis. Dealing with a few raiders should be easy, but finding out what makes that freighter such an important target will be a little more difficult. (Episode 6)
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
The crew of the Valkyrie enjoys a brief respite from their constant adventures, but when two new crewmembers arrive on board, for some trust becomes a more valuable commodity than rest and relaxation. (Valkyrie episode 5)
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Star Trek fan fiction at Trek Writer's Guild
Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
Catharsis (Future Tense, Part 2)
One woman’s desperate desire to change the future cripples the Valkyrie and puts the crew in mortal danger. Is the sacrifice of six-hundred people a price worth paying to avoid a fate that could change the future of millions for the worse?
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
Future Tense
It started like the perfect birthday but then everything went downhill. Now Captain Veal must team up with Commander Westmore to get to the heart of a Cardassian intrigue, but can she escape a destiny forces far beyond her control have plotted out for her?
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
By the Sword
Escorting the Klingon Chancellor to a diplomatic conference seemed like a simple task. But when Captain Veal finds herself caught between Klingon factions vying for control of the High Council, all hinges on her trust of one Klingon’s honor.
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Andreas Bodensohn
USS Valkyrie
Cry Havoc!
Tarin Veal and her crew try to defend an embattled Federation from old and new enemies. Along their way they discover that the USS Valkyrie’s motto “Faith, Courage, Hope” starts with the faith they have in each other – and in the ideals of Starfleet. (Premier episode of USS Valkyrie)
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2024-10-21 07:05
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Evil Must Be Opposed.
-- Vedek Yassim,

(DS9: Rocks and Shoals)
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Launched December 2004, (Version 1.0) is a readers resource from Trek Writer's Guild. This website is a collaboration between the many TWG/SotF authors and Mediaboy Productions. All stories are original and copyrighted by the respective authors under United States law, as well as every other country that matters. (Including Canada) All graphics are original and copyrighted, either separately or collaborativly, by Mediaboy Productions and/or others as specified. The stories and graphics on this site may not be copied, reprinted, or reposted without express and written permission of the original creators. Trek Writer's Guild is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures Inc. Star Trek : Enterprise ( Archer T'Pol Reed Tucker Hoshi ), Star Trek ( Kirk Spock Bones McCoy Scotty Enterprise ), Star Trek: The Next Generation ( Picard Data Riker Worf Enterprise ), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ( Sisko Dax O'Brian Odo Quark Kira Defiant ), Star Trek: Voyager ( Voyager Janeway Chakotay Tuvok Paris Torres Be'lanna Neelix Seven of Nine ) are property and copyright of Paramount Pictures Inc. These properties are used in good faith by the authors of Trek Writer's Guild, to further the human adventure through positive storytelling.